For years, S. Aaron Tenenbaum represented developers in acquisition of the vacant land, distressed or pre-demolition properties, representation throughout the construction process and sale to third party buyers upon completion of remodeling or new construction. We have done subdivisions, converted rental properties into condominiums, created new condominium and townhome associations, facilitated variances, were instrumental in commencement and completion of complex real estate transactions. Majority of work is being done on flat fees, so there are no surprises. We provide valuable legal services to builders and commercial clients at most competitive rates, we understand every stage of residential construction, importance of smooth work with the architects, civil and structural engineers, surveyors, municipal inspectors, and all others involved in the transaction. We respect construction projects cash flow and importance of prompt work with the lenders, title company requirements throughout maintenance of construction escrow and any and all issues that may affect it.
Without limitation, we offer the following critical legal components for consideration of builders and developers:
Select us as your attorneys for your next construction or remodeling project, and we will work closely with you with your agenda in mind. We will save you resources and time, and keep your transaction together and proceed to closing at all costs. Numerous references from well-established developers are available upon request.
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